Lane Myers Rebar Support Products

Wrapping Wire

Manufacturer of Rebar Support Products Since 1929

Rebar Support Products:

We recommend Plastisol Class C for Maximum Protection Against Rust

For you, the best buy and insurance against rust, we recommend Plastisol Protected Legs (Class C), Where architects and engineers require maximum protection on exposed concrete slab and beams Plastisol baked on the up-turned legs helps to prevent rust spots. Plastisol will not chip, peel, crack, or deform under normal job conditions.

Reinforcing Bar Support Specifications and Standard Nomenclature

The types of support it shall be provided In standard sizes as given below. Bar supports are classified in terms of methods employed to minimize from the surface of the concrete, rust spots, or similar blemishes directly caused by the bar support. The five classes and their intended degree a/ protect.ion are:

  1. Bright Basic - which has no protection against rusting and which is intended for use in situations where surfaces blemishes can be tolerated.
  2. Plastic Protected - which is intended for use in situations of moderate exposure and/or situations requiring rubbing or sandblasting of the concrete surface.

Specifications, drawings, details and purchase orders shall identify bar supports by nominal height, symbols of type or support, and class of protection. (Example: 3½ • CHC • C identifies a 3½ in. height, continuous high chair Class C - Plastic Protected.)

Many spools of wire
Before Plastic Protection is applied
Wire Feed Into Machine
After Plastic Protection is applied

Short Form Specifications & Manufacturing:Reinforcing bar supports are made from the best grade of steel; and wire sizes will be less than those jointly recommended by the Concrete Reinforcing Steel Institute (C.R.S.I.) and the American Concrete Institute (A.C.I.). All products are manufactured according to the specifications published by the C.R.S.I.

Types:Reinforcing bar supports are available in plain wire, Plastisol coated and with Plastisol coated legs only. All legs are turned up a minimum of 1/8 inches unless otherwise specified. Many other types of bar supports and accessories are available on request to required specifications.

Transportaion:Terms 1/2%, 10 days, net 30 days from date of invoice. All claims for shortages must be reported within 14 days.